Wednesday, April 20, 2011

About Holistic Lifestyles Radio

About « Holistic Lifestyles Radio


Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network
Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network has been live on the air in south Florida since January 2008 and is dedicated to carrying a message of hope to people in life that need to feel hope.
Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network interviews many in the fields of holistic lifestyles, health, addiction, rehabs, holistic reading, holistic thinking, holistic recovery, alternative medicine, natural healing, yoga, reiki, natural child birth, rain forest secrets, Chinese medicine, metabolic balance, mind body spirit holistic, complimentary medicine, alternative medicine, yoga, green lifestyles choices and much more.
Founder John Hollis said in a interview “This is a very powerful tool when used correctly. The miss conception is Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network is only an internet radio show. Holistic Lifestyles Radio is streaming online and syndicated to several other AM & FM radio stations around the country. Holistic Lifestyles Radio is truly multi media in the local, domestic, and international radio markets”.
John Hollis is the brain child behind many radio shows being produced today like “Rockers In Recovery”, “In The Rooms Hour”,” Ask The Interventionist” and “Healthy Relation Ship Hour”. John is dedicated to producing real radio programs that are listened to on AM & FM radio stations but are also streaming to many social media sites around the would though streamers and pod casting and live broadcast technology.
John is looking forward to one day at a time bringing more cutting edge technology to all of the Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network message . Starting in February 2011 you can watch John and his guests live on UStream, and BlogTV. We look forward to all the new Holistic Lifestyles Radio network out of the box ideas and as John Hollis and Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network always says “More Will Be Revealed.