Showing posts with label wounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wounds. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Aloe Vera – not just a plant

Aloe Vera – not just a plant « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Aloe Vera – not just a plant

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jun.08, 2011, under Home

Relationships are the Primary Meal

Carol Harblin (CHHC)

Ever DRINK aloe vera juice? It’s very nourishing and soothing.

Aloe vera juice aids in digestive disorders. It helps relieve gas, and intestinal discomfort.

People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome would most benefit from this delicious juice.

Where can you buy it? You can find it at Whole Foods, or any health food store.

The first time I saw it, I was curious of how it tasted. It looked refreshing….so I bought it. I buy it whenever I can now, usually once a week or so. It gives a very soothing mouth-feel and it does comfort the digestion too.

Just because something may be good for you, that does not mean you go out and stock up on it and consume copious amounts in a short time!!!!! This goes for anything – but particularly nutritionally related!!! Practice moderation!

If you have an aloe vera plant, as you know that it does come in handy when you have skin rashing or other wounds. You would apply aloe vera just as you would any other triple antibiotic cream.

It even feels great on sunburns!!
If you have a bad sunburn, you may chill the aloe vera leaf in the refrigerator so that it feels cooler when applied to skin.

I wouldn’t advise making your own aloe vera juice with the leaf plants unless you have the proper recipe for it. Everything has a process.

Go find some aloe vera juice, and enjoy some today!