Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Insights and Information within Depression

Insights and Information within Depression « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Insights and Information within Depression

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jun.07, 2011, under Home

The Shift Guru

Have you ever felt depressed due to your life decisions?

Have you ever considered depression as a wonderful life tool?

How might you connect with the truth of your depression and the turbulence it brings?

What might the gift of depression be in your life?

If you would like to consider life a bit differently…if you would like to begin to understand your life challenges from a different perspective…if you desire to move more gently through those dark times, those dark days, this is a wonderful show to embrace and listen to over and over again.

In this show, The Angelic Realm, Barbara’s guest Tina M. Games, and Barbara herself will address the impact of the decisions we make in our lives, especially those that result in depression and turbulence. If you are currently in one of those dark times or know someone who is going through such a time, share and listen. This may be your life altering opportunity. If you would like to perceive your life from a slightly different perspective, join us today.

Barbara’s guest, Tina M Games the “Moonlight Muse” for mothers who desire a richer, more authentic, more balanced life and who want to tap into the gifts of their Inner Goddess. Her book, Journaling by Moonlight, a Mothers Path to Self-Discovery assists all of us, no matter our stage in life or role in life, how to better understand our own journey and life purpose. As a woman who made life-changing decisions, Tina is well qualified to assist us all along our own journey of growth and discovery.

At the Creating Café, Barbara Joye, The Shift Guru, discusses societal perceptions that you may want to consider shifting. If you have ever wondered why your life is as it is; if you have ever desired anything different in your life and wondered how to create such a difference; if you are simply an individual with an open mind and a questioning nature, you will want to begin this series and follow the shifts that occur in your life as you begin to consciously create your own life.

You will be delighted and amazed and shifted with this inspiring and enjoyable show. Tune in to WWNN AM 1470, Boca Raton, Florida ( and listen every Wednesday at either 2:00 PM EDT or 10:00 PM EDT or listen at your leisure at or .

Barbara Joye is The Shift Guru. Her focus is assisting individual like you to discover and shift their limiting perspectives and beliefs on life, so they may create the life of their dreams. Visit Barbara on her website at, explore her Book The Creating Formula, Speaking topics and Guide session’s offerings to see how she can assist you in creating the life you desire and deserve.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Faith is Pro-active

Faith is Pro-active « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Faith is Pro-active

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Mar.28, 2011, under Home

Relationships are the Primary Meal

Carol Harblin (CHHC)

I was watching Little House On The Prairie this weekend and one particular episode made me really stop and think. It was the episode when Laura and Almanzo are expecting their baby….but tragedy ensues their little home life.

First, Almanzo suffers a terrible illness that leaves him paralyzed and a hail storm wrecks his crop….
Then a tornado wipes out their house….

But let’s examine the positives. There may not seem like there is much to be happy about, but there is.

Almanzo’s physical paralysis and the crop disaster are a part of Almanzo’s depression…but all while he suffers, he has Laura’s presence and her prayers and faith as they get by.

Then the tornado wipes out their home and then Laura becomes emotionally paralyzed. It’s Laura’s turn to give up…and it’s Almanzo’s turn to step up and give her prayers and miracles.

Laura and Almanzo and the whole family present them with spiritual support and prayers. Faith is much more than a word to say, it’s the act of living each day with pro-active positive steps. Faith is not about isolating and giving up. Faith is about working hard and working with your loved ones.

Almanzo gave up trying to walk as long as things were done for him. But then he realized that he had to help himself to help his wife and baby. He could no longer feel sorry for himself. Laura needed him more than ever.

A marriage is built upon the equal strength of the wife and the husband. One hand washes the other. When the chips are down, the unity and the loving partnership enhances more.

Faith was alive and well in the Ingalls family. They never gave up on each other and the more tragedy fell upon Laura and Almanzo the more love was given. Faith helped Pa Ingalls and Almanzo rebuild their house. Faith supported their love. Love supported their faith.

Faith is pro-active as we keep walking our journey with positive loving steps.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Traumatic Brain Injury, Addiction and Mild Hyperbaric Treatment

Traumatic Brain Injury, Addiction and Mild Hyperbaric Treatment « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Traumatic Brain Injury, Addiction and Mild Hyperbaric Treatment

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Oct.19, 2010, under Home

The CDC estimated that 5.3 million Americans live with disabilities due to brain injury and that 67% of people in rehabilitation for brain injury have a previous history of substance abuse (Thurman, 1998). 50% of these people will return to using alcohol and drugs after the injury (Corrigan, 1995).120% of persons with brain injuries who did not use alcohol or drugs prior to the injury, were vulnerable to alcohol and drug use after the injury (Corrigan, 1995). 1 Each year in America, 1,000,000 people are seen by doctors due to a blow to the head. Of those people, 50,000 to 100,000 will have prolonged problems that will affect their ability to work and/or their daily lives. 1

Brain injury can impair attention, reasoning and perception; can cause an inability to analyze and synthesize information, impaired social judgment, reduced inhibition, and poor comprehension. (Ylvisaker and Szekeres in Chapey, 1994 retrieved from

1Kipnis, S., Foster, M., Killar, R, Lincourt, P., Sutter, C., and Oswald, S. “THE TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY CONNECTION” retrieved from on 8/4/2010 TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury – is sudden physical damage to the brain from an external force that temporarily or permanently disrupts normal brain function. Brain characteristics and functions that can be affected include consciousness, speech and language, memory, mobility, personality and others.

TBI is commonly caused by Car Accidents and Sports-related Injuries. Personality and Behavioral Changes associated with TBI include reduced or diminished social skills, emotional control and mood swings, inappropriate behavior, reduced self-esteem, depression, anxiety, frustration, stress, reduced self awareness (often misunderstood as denial), self-centeredness, anger management and coping skill problems, decreased motivation and irritability or agitation.

TBI and addiction seem to go hand-in-hand according to the statistics. And there are Holistic solutions to TBI. mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) can support brain tissue repair and reduce the experience of symptoms during the healing process.

Not too long ago, doctors and scientists thought that once damaged, tissue in the brain could not heal. Recently doctors using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) have demonstrated that not only can brain tissue heal, even brain tissue with old injuries can be restored to functioning.

HBOT is a method of administering increased levels of oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure to a patient in order to help heal tissue damage. HBOT appears to be effective at restoring cell function to tissue everywhere in the body — including the brain. By providing increased oxygen levels in a pressurized chamber we are able to deliver higher concentrations of oxygen than the brain normally receives through breathing. Some of the effects this has are to promote the growth of new blood vessels, to decrease swelling and inflammation, to deactivate and promote the release of toxins — and to promote overall healing. Advantages of HBOT include that it is cost-effective, noninvasive, and safe and works well with other treatments.

I came to G & G Holistic after multiple treatment episodes at other treatment centers. I had a history of methamphetamine abuse, hepatitis C and was diagnosed as a bi-polar. At intake I remember that I actually the therapist that this was probably my last chance. At that time, I was unemployed and unemployable, had no real friends and no place to live.

I was one of the first people to use the Hyperbaric therapy regularly. I have a standing appointment pretty much everyday. My ability to think and make decisions has improved beyond what I ever imagined. When I came to treatment, I was diagnosed as having bi-polar disorder as well. The use of the hyperbaric chamber and the nutraceuticals that I take as part of the hyperbaric therapy has helped to moderate my bi-polar. I still take medications for bi-polar. I probably always will. But now that I have been using the hyperbarics, I think they can actually work better.
I know that I am working better.

Additional information retrieved from

Friday, February 25, 2011

Abstinence And Sobriety: What Is The Difference?

Abstinence And Sobriety: What Is The Difference? « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Abstinence And Sobriety: What Is The Difference?

by hollis on Jun.08, 2010, under Home

Abstinence and sobriety are two terms that are used interchangeably by a lot of people when discussing drug and alcohol addiction recovery. But are they the same thing?

The idea of growing in recovery as a person or ‘working on sobriety’ is actually a much different concept than abstinence. This is one of the most fundamental lessons person learns as they attempt recovery. Abstinence means to stop the use of addictive mood altering drugs and alcohol. Some people erroneously believe that once they stop drinking and drugging the mission is over .

Becoming sober is much more than that. Recovery is actually a developmental process that goes through distinct phases with lessons, skills and tasks to be learned and accomplished in each phase. The very first skill to be learned in the early phase of addiction recovery and sobriety is that of abstinence. It is the first small step toward a much greater picture. Here is what we mean by abstinence:

Abstinence :
In a nutshell, abstinence simply means to stop the use of alcohol and all other mood altering drugs. This is the most necessary first task in all of recovery. Please notice we did not say cut down or control drinking or drugging. That’s simply does not work. Abstinence means none, zero, nada, end of story. There is an old metaphor in the recovery world that states abstinence is like buying a ticket to the movie theater ticket and is not actually watching the whole show. The first building block of sobriety is abstinence it must be total and complete, there is no middle ground.

What is sobriety?
Sobriety is the process of learning living and coping skills that bring about or read warning and meaningful life, lived to the fullest, without drugs and alcohol. It is a fluid process of growth that transforms one from chaos, destruction, and dependence. The movement is toward a way of life that involves healthy self-esteem, relationships, communication skills, and personal growth.

5 Fundamentals Of Sobriety.
Here are a few fundamental concepts identified as foundations of a healthy recovery:

1. There first underlying principle of recovery is honesty; most importantly the absence of self-deception. Without honesty recovery is impossible.

2. One is never at a standstill; you are either moving away from a drink or drug or closer, your actions determine your direction.

3. Total abstinence of mood altering substances+ personal growth = sobriety

4. Sobriety is a program of action. Undemanding intellectual acceptance is not adequate. A thought is just a thought, nothing happens unless you take action.

5. Sobriety is a process, not an event; in fact, it is a lifelong process that is not easy but definitely possible.

For More Information