Showing posts with label spiritual growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual growth. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In the Moment

In the Moment « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

In the Moment

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Mar.22, 2011, under Home

Relationships are the Primary Meal

Carol Harblin (CHHC)

Being in the moment is very essential to life. I know that we get distracted by our thoughts of the pressures that reality can hand us, but it is important to stay in the moment of where you are.

Don’ give in to another persons opinions or demands if it does not coincide with your plan. If you have a plan to do something or if you have a dream you want to fulfill, then don’t let anyone set you back.

If that person is setting you back then chances are they were set back as well and they probably don’t want you to prosper either. Misery loves company. So that is when you have to leave misery alone.

When you truly embrace the moment you are in, the energy of the Universe takes over and guides you and embraces you fully.

In order to be where you want to be or who you want to be, envision yourself exactly as you want to be and be that way NOW!

Getting out of that comfort zone means you have come alive and you are taking positive risks that will be making a positively phenomenal impact on other people too.

Know that after a storm, the sun will come out and warm the world again. Put “act” in active.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Drug Rehab Centers Reduce Stress Though Sound « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Drug Rehab Centers Reduce Stress Though Sound « Holistic Lifestyles Radio
Sound Pillow -Drug Rehab Centers Reduce Stress Though Sound.
Sound Pillow represents another way in which the philosophy of holistic healing is used to support the physical, mental and spiritual growth for addicts. Healing Sound Pillow uses a pillow to reproduce sound from any listening device to help addicts to reduce stress and create a sense of balance within and around them. Traditional spiritual and healing practices have recognized the power of sound for thousands of years. Chants, church bells, drumbeats and sung or spoken rituals have been used to alter moods, create different energy states and to facilitate communication with spiritual powers throughout history.
All these practitioners have intuitively understood that sound represents energy, energy which can be transmitted and used by humans to reach higher levels of health and consciousness. Practitioners of this ancient ritual enjoy a more complete relaxation and deeper focus during meditation, resulting in greater levels of stress release.