Showing posts with label addiction treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label addiction treatment. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1st Step Sober House Assists with Recovery

1st Step Sober House Assists with Recovery « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

1st Step Sober House Assists with Recovery

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on May.18, 2011, under Home

Our staff is experienced and dedicated to changing the lives of 1000’s of people with addictions.

Our years of experience in recovery gives a structure that no other sober house can offer. Come by our office and meet with our staff about helping you a friend or a family member get the recovery they need.

4 Phase Program

Our program consists of 6 months or more depending on your court order or individual patient needs. Our 12 step recovery program has been a proven way for many people to learn sobriety and change their lives.

This is an incredible music video that we found. It has musicians from around the world. You must see the whole video stream.. Click the picture of the old guy singing and you will see it…

Residential Recovery Program

This program is a minimum 90 day program with a 4 phase process. Clients will be required to get a day time job and work our structured program at night.

First Step Follow-up Program

This program is custom designed for former clients that have successfully completed our 4 Phase residential program They will be required to attend our 3 recovery meetings a week. This will help 1st Step assist our graduates as they transition into the civilian sector.

The Final Step When You Leave

This is when everything you have learned is used in real the real world.; Temptations and peer pressure is what will be after you everyday. This is the time you need to stay in touch with your support group and use everything you learned while living and learning at First Step Sober House.

The 1st Step Sober House

623 East Atlantic Blvd.

Pompano Beach, Florida 33060

Office Phone: (954) 942-7414

Fax Number: (954) 942-2595

Chris Doherty E-mail:

Monday, May 9, 2011

1st Step Sober House Pompano Beach, Fl

1st Step Sober House Pompano Beach, Fl « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

1st Step Sober House Pompano Beach, Fl

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on May.09, 2011, under Home

Our staff is experienced and dedicated to changing the lives of 1000’s of people with addictions.

Our years of experience in recovery gives a structure that no other sober house can offer. Come by our office and meet with our staff about helping you a friend or a family member get the recovery they need.

4 Phase Program

Our program consists of 6 months or more depending on your court order or individual patient needs. Our 12 step recovery program has been a proven way for many people to learn sobriety and change their lives.

This is an incredible music video that we found. It has musicians from around the world. You must see the whole video stream.. Click the picture of the old guy singing and you will see it…

Residential Recovery Program

This program is a minimum 90 day program with a 4 phase process. Clients will be required to get a day time job and work our structured program at night.

First Step Follow-up Program

This program is custom designed for former clients that have successfully completed our 4 Phase residential program They will be required to attend our 3 recovery meetings a week. This will help 1st Step assist our graduates as they transition into the civilian sector.

The Final Step When You Leave

This is when everything you have learned is used in real the real world.; Temptations and peer pressure is what will be after you everyday. This is the time you need to stay in touch with your support group and use everything you learned while living and learning at First Step Sober House.

The 1st Step Sober House

623 East Atlantic Blvd.

Pompano Beach, Florida 33060

Office Phone: (954) 942-7414

Fax Number: (954) 942-2595

Chris Doherty E-mail:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Destination Hope Drug Rehab For Men

Destination Hope Drug Rehab For Men « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Destination Hope Drug Rehab For Men

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Aug.05, 2010, under Home

Destination Hope Drug Rehab For Men

A Florida Addictions Treatment Center for Men

Destination Hope is a addictions treatment center for men located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Our unique drug rehabalcohol recovery program treats people addicted to these substances in a comfortable environment with goal-oriented recovery protocols and a focus on family therapy. We understand that every person’s battle with drug and alcohol addiction is different. As such we have several drug and alcohol rehab programs that are tailored specifically to the addicted individual’s needs. We treat people that are physically and/or psychologically dependent on chemical substances in an environment conducive and proven to garner maximum results.


Destination Hope’s mission is to provide quality care in substance abuse, addiction and dependency treatment to the sick and suffering individual and their families in the most comfortable, uncomplicated, realistic setting possible.


We know that many of you have searched for drug rehab and alcohol rehab programs elsewhere, tried other treatment facilities and continue to look for a way to break the dependency on your addiction to drugs or alcohol. Our Ft. Lauderdale, Florida recovery facility offers residential-style treatment, dual diagnosis and intensive outpatient protocols and is the place to go when you feel that all hope is lost; we are the destination for drug rehab and drug and alcohol recovery in the darkest depths of addiction.

Contact Information

Destination Hope, Inc.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Toll Free: 877-824-0001
Fax: 954-771-2098

Email Contacts

Admissions: Click Here To Email
Information: Click Here To Email

Friday, February 25, 2011


THE ANTIDOTE FOR ADDICTION (1) « Holistic Lifestyles Radio


by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jun.01, 2010, under Home

Is there an antidote for addiction?

Yes! That’s the good news.

Here’s the bad news!

What if – you had to drive ten miles EVERY DAY to get the antidote?

Would you be willing to drive the ten miles?

Before saying “Yes, I want the antidote,” let’s explore this a little further.

You have to ask yourself, “How bad do I want it?”

This isn’t a trick question.

Addiction has its rewards.

Are you ready and willing to walk away from the “safety” of your solitary prison where you don’t have to – feel any pain – from the outside world; where you don’t have to grow, or change?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In starting our recovery journey, all we have to do is – take one step away from our solitary prisonsby “connecting” with people who have been where we are, people who will walk the journey of the thousand miles with us – every step of the way. Here’s the wisdom passed on to us the 100 original members of A.A.:

The tremendous fact – for every one of us - is that we have discovered a common solution.

We have found – a way out - from the slavery of addiction, on which we can absolutely agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action.

This is the great news the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, carries to those who suffer from addiction. (An appropriate title for the book could possibly be – The Antidote For Addiction – more than 150 Twelve Step Programs are built on its foundation)

Nearly all of us have – recovered. We have SOLVED the addiction problem.

The physical cravings, along with the obsessive thoughts and compulsive feelings to use pills, alcohol, or drugs, have been – removed.

They do not exist for us.

We are neither cocky, nor are we afraid.

This is our experience; this is how we react, so long aswe stay in fit spiritual condition. (A. A. Page 17, 85)

Today, make a fresh start. Read the Doctor’s Opinion. Renew – your spirit.

Namaste, (The light in me “honors” the light in you.)


Heroin Addiction

Heroin Addiction « Holistic Lifestyles Radio

Heroin Addiction

by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jun.01, 2010, under Home

Heroin is considered to be one of the most addictive drugs sold illegally today. Someone who is addicted to Heroin will go to any length to obtain it. Moreover, when such a person stops taking the drug he or she will suffer serious physical consequences of withdrawal. A detoxification for heroin addiction is usually necessary to get this drug out of the users system. There are many excellent detoxes for Heroin addiction and the Challenges Treatment Center works as part of a treatment network with many of them in Florida.

Treatment for Heroin addiction will vary according to the length of time which someone has been addicted , to their physical symptoms and medical condition in general and to whatever other drugs , including alcohol, which they may have been mixing with their use of Heroin. People generally will use heroin in two ways, either snorting or injecting. The first time a person uses Heroin the drug causes a feeling of extreme euphoria ( and sometimes paranoia ) and this is intoxicating. The drug also has noticable effects on the user physically ; heaviness all over his body, skin flushes, and dry mouth. Heroin also affects the brain of the user including the central nervous system. In truth, Heroin causes symptoms which mimic in many ways those of a person having a mild stroke, such as a very slow gait, and a hard time talking and imparied physical movement of the extremities.

There are also long term consequences of Heroin addiction. Long time repeated use of Heroin can cause damage to the lungs and weaken the circulatory system. It can also cause clogging of the blood vessels which affects vital organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. The drug can be deadly if use continues.

Treatment for Heroin addiction is deigned to help the user stop taking the drug which will hopefully mean that his or her physical damage will repair itself with time. Also, since a long time Heroin user will likely have ruined his or her relationships with family and friends and have experienced other negative social , legal and career consequences from the addiction treatment is also designed to begin the process of restoring the person back into normal society. With time in recovery ,away from the drug , the former user can be restored to a hopeful state of mind and body.

Challenges Treatment Center is an addiction treatment rehab facility which can help the Heroin addict find freedom from the addiction. Challenges helps people in the recovery process from this addiction as we start to case manage the addict right from the beginning during the detoxification process, known to be the hardest phase during heroin addiction treatment.

This Florida Heroin addiction rehab is a place of healthy re entry back into normal life. Challenges provides a spiritual environment for the recovering person to meditate, relax, and learn why he or she has sought drug use as an escape from life. Someone in treatment at Challenges will receive one-on-one, group, and family counseling with the goal being to restore this person back to a healthy normal life, restoring relationships with their loved ones, accepting behaviors, consequences and actions of the past, and being inspired by the struggles and triumphs of other addicts in recovery.

Challenges Relapse Treatment & Prevention Program

5100 Coconut Creek Parkway
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33063

877-799-8773 Toll Free